
A poem showing the comparison among gender or a poem on gender inequality

A poem comparing the life of a girl & a boy  If I were a boy I would be able to enjoy my life If I were a boy I would be able to do all works at all places If I were a boy  The society would not care of my  character  If I were a boy  Then my dresses could not define me If I were a boy Then I could be the head of the family If I were a boy I could work to feed the family but not to care the family If I were a boy Then I could continue the family tree If I were a boy  Then I would never cry If I were a boy Then I would never be hurted If I were a boy Then i wouldn't need to be beautiful If I were a boy Then I wouldn't be a burden  If I were a boy Then I wouldn't be a sin for my family If I were a boy Then my family wouldn't have to save  money for me If I were a boy Then I could demand unlimited dowry  If I were a boy Then I could lead a happier life Comparison between a boy...

How to get ultimate success in life?

-Success in life largely depends upon us , it depends upon our attitude and reflection as well as our determination towards success. -success is merely not a cup of tea for all which can be prepared by all. - it needs a lot of hard work , determination, and preservance. Do you know what is the reason that most of the people actually fail in their way to success? As I mentioned before that success merely depends upon the preservance, it depends upon your capacity to be patient to deal with success. The starting journey of every successful tail is wonderful at the beginning however it changed it's direction .and results in a great difficulty. But a mindset of successful person should not stop here , it should be more determined and the most important thing that it should never give up. Remember! That being successful is just not going to change your life but of others also As we all know that the journey of success is of course hard but the fruit of success is also the ...