A poem showing the comparison among gender or a poem on gender inequality

A poem comparing the life of a girl & a boy

 If I were a boy

I would be able to enjoy my life

If I were a boy I would be able to do all works at all places

If I were a boy 

The society would not care of my 

If I were a boy 

Then my dresses could not define me
If I were a boy

Then I could be the head of the family

If I were a boy

I could work to feed the family but not to care the family

If I were a boy

Then I could continue the family tree

If I were a boy 

Then I would never cry

If I were a boy

Then I would never be hurted

If I were a boy

Then i wouldn't need to be beautiful

If I were a boy

Then I wouldn't be a burden 

If I were a boy

Then I wouldn't be a sin for my family

If I were a boy

Then my family wouldn't have to save 
money for me

If I were a boy

Then I could demand unlimited dowry 

If I were a boy

Then I could lead a happier life

Comparison between a boy and a girl has really made the girls of our society to see the disaster in their life.

"Stop comparing and start loving"

Let the awareness of equality to be spreaded away and build  a happier life for all.

Society needs a change , let's change the society together


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